Entertainingly Detestable Wiki

Demencia is a major antagonist of the Cartoon Network Multiverse, being the deuteragonist of the 2017 Cartoon Network animated TV series Villainous.

She was voiced by Meli G in Spanish and Melaney Sems in English.

Her Qualities[]

What Makes Her Entertaining?[]

  • She appears to be based on Harley Quinn, as both characters are insane female minions in an obsessive, one-sided "relationship" with their evil boss and are fiercely loyal, regardless of how often they're abused and rejected.
  • Her obsession with Black Hat is often played for laughs, sometimes being exaggerated.
  • Her unpredictability and hyperactiveness is entertaining to watch.
  • She is insanely fast, durable, and strong, appearing to be just a ravenous fangirl but is also a frighteningly efficient minion.
  • Her voices in both the English dub and the original Spanish dub are nicely done.

What Makes Her Detestable?[]

  • She is shown to be constantly tormenting Dr. Flug and 5.0.5 for her own amusement.
  • It is shown that she has an intense cannibalistic mentality in three instances:
    • She was eating a superhero that was lowered into her pit, during her introduction.
    • She was eating a cheerleader slowly gnawing and pulling her while wearing her lizard hood over her face when trying to lure out Sunblast.
    • She tried to eat a baby, but Dr. Flug stopped her before she could swallow it down.
  • She can be hypocritical, as shown when she called Miss Heed insane for her attention cravings.
  • She is very mischievous, often craving for destruction and troublemaking and taking glee in mayhem and destruction.

External Links[]


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TV Series
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Eustace Bagge | Katz

Tom and Jerry
Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Cow and Chicken
Red Guy

Codename: Kids Next Door
Father | Grandfather | The Delightful Children From Down The Lane

Dragons: Riders of Berk/Dragons: Defenders of Berk
Drago Bludvist | Ryker Grimborn

Teen Titans
Slade | Trigon | Brain

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Emperor Palpatine | Count Dooku | General Grievous | Grand Moff Tarkin | Jabba the Hutt

Regular Show
Anti-Pops | Halloween Wizard | Mitsuru Shinehara | British Taxi | Warden of the Internet | Capicola Gang | Jackie Carmichael | Internet

The Powerpuff Girls
Mojo Jojo | HIM | Rowdyruff Boys

The Garfield Show
Commander Harland

Looney Tunes
Marvin the Martian | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Wile E. Coyote

Over the Garden Wall
The Beast

Steven Universe
Navy Ruby

Adventure Time
The Lich | GOLB | Earl of Lemongrab | Uncle Gumbald

The Amazing World of Gumball
Rob | Miss Simian | Margaret Robinson | Ocho Tootmorsel | William | Evil Turtle | Gargaroth

We Bare Bears
Barry Charles | Norm | Kyle | Internet Troll

Master Frown

Infinity Train
Simon Laurent

Transformers: Cyberverse
Megatron | Megatron X

Black Hat | Demencia

Adult Swim
Rick and Morty
Rick Prime

Moral Orel
Clay Puppington

Samurai Jack

Smiling Friends
Satan | Mr. Frog | Mr. Landlord | Frowning Friends | DJ Spit | James | Party Bro | Salty's Mascots | Brittney | Skeleton Pirates | Armzo

See Also
20th Century Studios Entertainingly Detestables |‏ Adventure Time Entertainingly Detestables | DreamWorks Entertainingly Detestables | Lucasfilm Entertainingly Detestable‏‎s | Netflix Entertainingly Detestables | Warner Bros. Entertainingly Detestables

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Animated Features
Mouse King | Eric Cartman | Mr. Garrison | Randy Marsh | Thrax

Live-Action Features
Alex DeLarge | Poison Ivy | Argus Filch | Sauron | Saruman | Gollum | Lucius Malfoy | Lord Voldemort | Barty Crouch Jr. | Augustus Gloop | Mike Teavee | Violet Beauregarde | Bellatrix Lestrange | Agent 23 | Smaug the Terrible | Azog the Defiler | General Zod | Sub-Commander Faora-Ul | Amanda Waller | Gellert Grindelwald | Ares | Thaddeus Sivana | Black Mask | Darkseid | The Thinker

Animated Television
Joker | Katz | Eustace Bagge | Aku | Rob | Miss Simian | Ocho Tootmorsel | William | Marvin the Martian | Sylvester J. Pussycat Sr. | Wile E. Coyote | Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse | Barry Charles | Master Frown | Simon Laurent | The Beast | The Lich | Earl of Lemongrab | Uncle Gumbald | Anti-Pops | Black Hat | Demencia | Mojo Jojo | Slade | Trigon | Navy Ruby | Father | Red Guy | Clay Puppington | Mr. Landlord | Rick Prime

Live-Action Television
