NOTE: This page only contains information about the versions appearing in the books, because the series and movie are not detestable and aren't as intelligent, so this page should only contain information about this version. |
“ | Hey, I’ve got a great idea, why don’t we make horrid faces, photocopy them and hang the pictures all around the meeting room? | „ |
~ Henry playing with Bossy Bill |
“ | NOOOO! | „ |
~ Henry's most infamous quote when something goes wrong |
Horrid Henry is the villainous protagonist of the book named after him. He is a brilliant but lazy student who puts all of his efforts into pranks and battles against other students.
The author of the books is Francesca Simon.
His qualities[]
What Makes Him Entertaining?[]
- Ultimately, Henry is a genius. While he doesn't display this in school (Due to not trying or caring at all), it's clear from his cunning manipulation and pranking skills that he is vastly more intelligent than most of his peers.
- A lot of Henry's peers are detestable to, even if to a less extent - which makes their comeuppance from his hands entertaining to watch.
- Because of his victims often being detestable themselves, a lot of his pranks can be comical towards the audience due to the irony of them.
- He is a leader of the Purple Hand Gang who has led them to victory against the Secret Club many times - and he has clear leadership skills, being able to command a team which he doesn't care one bit for.
- Henry himself has a few comical moments, such as screaming 'NOOO!' when something goes wrong.
- Henry most often succeeds in his plans. Unlike the series counterpart, he doesn't get caught as much because of his superior intellect and barely gets fairly punished unlike the series where he actually gets scapegoated most of the time.
- He is able to manipulate almost anyone into doing what he wants, most often his little brother 'Perfect Peter'.
- Will always get revenge when he is wronged, no matter what. Will always get the last laugh.
What Makes Him Detestable?[]
- Has severe psychopathic tendencies - as shown from when he was a kid. He'd cry all day and night, never sleep and never smiled.
- As a kid, he also tried murdering his baby brother Peter multiple times. This is made even worse by the fact he expresses zero remorse throughout his life over this.
- Henry actually doubles down, often blaming Peter for his problems and beating him up as a result.
- Beats up Weepy William and Anxious Andrew constantly for his own sadistic pleasure.
- Beats up someone whenever he imagines himself as an animal. This happens A LOT.
- Isn't genuinely affable to anyone - sees people as tools to get what he wants.
- Unlike the series, this includes the entire Purple Hand Gang - including his 'best friend' Rude Ralph. After Ralph tries to make a speech, Henry actually stands on his face.
- Constantly talks about becoming King where he intends to be a tyrannical dictator known as 'King Henry the Horrible' who enslaves all of his supposed friends and family. This includes his pet hamster.
- Often attempts to abuse his parents physically to get what he wants (Though this usually doesn't end well).
- Is generally far more cunning and manipulative than the series, as almost nothing kind he does is done out of genuine affability. Most of the time, it's done to either facilitate a larger plan or in order to begin a prank against someone.
- While Henry's series counterpart could qualify, it lacks the intelligence of his book counterpart and is far less detestable.
- Henry's parents receive far less controversy in the books - however, some still disagree with them. In the books though, Henry is a far worse child who is genuinely at fault at most of the things he's blamed for. And he tried to murder his own brother. It's a lot fairer that Henry's parents would be wary about him in the books compared to how much he's scapegoated in the series.
External Links[]
- Horrid Henry on the Horrid Henry Wiki
- Horrid Henry on the Villains Wiki
- Horrid Henry on the Incredible Characters Wiki
- Horrid Henry on the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki